Short job. Emergency troubleshooting electrician in Toronto

Tiny jobs after 5 pm
Evening and after-hours
Fast repair of small problems
Minor home installation and wiring
$160 or higher service call fee applies
Troubleshooting Washer & dryer Addition rough-in Add switch or plug Move appliance outlet Run line to dishwasher | Knob and Tube rewiring Service and panel upgrade Install light, fuse & generator Minor house troubleshooting job Faults after DIY work in Toronto Small repair electrician in Etobicoke |
NO calls after 7 PM please
short job, dryer receptacle is needed, stove does not work, 30 Amp 240 V cooktop hook-up, wall outlet is not working, dryer is out of order, dedicated circuit, bad junction box, replace burning wall receptacle, add a socket, broken outlet, switch or light is not working, replace all house switches and wall plugs electrician Etobicoke, faulty lights, relocate 40 Amp 240V range socket, exhaust fan vent, fish feed line to dishwasher